Why this Navratri Special Powerful Tantric Yagna?
- “Celebrating the Sacred Connection: Mahalaya New Moon and Navaratri Meditation”
- Let’s glorify our ancestors and guides. Mahalaya is a prminent new moon when the connection with the higher realm flows freely. Let’s come together to pray and meditate.
- Navaratri has always been close to my heart. Shakti energy is what flows from the lower realm to the higher realm. The connection within your energy system is the Shakti energy. Let’s connect our energy points during this celebration of the feminine flow”.
– Nila Amma
Ten Day Workshop
Mahalaya New Moon
14 October 2023 (Saturday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,),
5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Harness the Spiritual Power Mahalaya New Moon is a unique time to connect with the higher realms and tap into spiritual energy
- Meditate and Reflect Join us in meditation and reflection during Mahalaya to honor our ancestors and seek inner growth
Navratri Day 1
15 October 2023 (Sunday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,),
5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Opening gates to the higher portals.
- We will evoke fire and cleanse within.
Navratri Day 2
16 October 2023 (Monday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,),
5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Widening the energy body
- Empowering the virtue of love
- Embracing the love from within and outside
Navratri Day 3
17 October 2023 (Tuesday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,), 5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Empowering the water energy
- Emotional cleansing
- Emotions to let go
Navratri Day 4
18 October 2023 (Wednesday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,), 5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Widening the energy body
- We widen in all directions embracing mother earth for grounding
Navratri Day 5
19 October 2023 (Thursday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,), 5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Empowering the wind energy for movement from below
- Worship if kundalini Matha
Navratri Day 6
20 October 2023 (Friday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,), 5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Settling down with the energy enhancement so far
- Stability , integrity and creativity
Navratri Day 7
21 October 2023 (Saturday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,), 5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Empowering the purpose of life
- Clarity and focus
- Exercise and meditation related to clarity and focus
Navratri Day 8
22 October 2023 (Saturday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,), 5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Tapping each chakra ( bottom 3 )
- Tap and raise energy from muladhara to manipura
Navratri Day 9
23 October 2023 (Monday)
8.00 pm EST (for Canada, USA, etc.,), 5.30 am IST (for India, Nepal)
- Tapping each chakra ( above 3 )
- Tap and raise energy from muladhara to the crown
Navratri Day 10 (Vijayadashami)
- Conclude your journey with a powerful Tantric Inner Awakening Meditation
How Nepal People to Pay Fees for this Mahalaya Tantra Yagna? Bank Account Details
- NOT included in tuition fees are the following:
- Name: Mahesh Rai
Indian People Contact: Digital Media Co-Ordinator
Chezhiyan - +91 - 770 879 3396 - How Indian People to Pay Fees for this Mahalaya Tantra Yagna?
Gpay Details:
Name: Chezhiyan
Gpay no: +91 - 770 879 3396
Canada, USA & other country people contact:
Mystic School Official No+1 (647) 962 1956
For Payment related enquires Mail: